RESCHEDULED — Saturday 4/27/2024, your HBFA will be cooking pancakes, sausage and hot dogs for the Kiwanis Easter Hunt Family Fun Day.  This is a huge event that takes place every year, and is a great time to bring your spouse, family and/or kids! …it’s a win-win!

We are planning on flipping A LOT of pancakes for breakfast, as well as, hot dos for lunch. All the food has been donated, so we are in need of people to assist.

NEW LOCATION — Location: HB Central Park – 7111 Talbert Ave

Thank you in advance!

Please reach out to Adam Fugate (949-910-0053) with any questions or concerns… please use the sign up sheet below!

My goal is to split this into TWO shifts so we aren’t asking you to commit too much time!

We are looking to staff:

All Day OR 0800-1130 OR 1130-1500


HBFA Kiwanis Easter Sign Up Sheet